Saturday, August 30, 2008

I love my cat....

(oh, the life of a cat!)
I spent over two hours at the vet this morning with my Kit Kat. She has been having a problem with her left eye. Discharge, blinking a lot, rubbing it. I took her to a vet last month and whatever the problem was then it is back. I couldn't get into her regular vet until Tuesday, but I can't go on Tuesday, so instead of making her wait I got into another vet today. They were nice enough. Her appointment was at 11:30. We didn't get seen by the vet until around 1:00!! They had an emergency which I understand. If I didn't hear what was going on through the walls I would not have known why I was sitting in the little room for so darn long. A dog came in in real distress and he ended up dying. I heard a lot of commotion and then someone was crying. Very sad,my heart goes out to the dog's owner.
The vet finally came in looked over Kit Kat pretty good, she was not a happy camper, plenty of low threatening growls. She said she could have a viral infection that when cats get it they always have it. Or she could have allergies. So $144 and FOUR prescriptions late I walked out of the vet at 1:45!! I have drops for eyes, drops that I have to get into her mouth, a pill that I have to give her (that should be fun!) and also a capsule that I have to open and sprinkle over her food.
I certainly hope all of this stuff helps her be more comfortable. I am slightly skeptical just because this is not my regular vet. But I will see how things go. And then decide if I should take her to her regular Dr. for her recheck in about 10-14 days.
Now it off to buy school supplies for Katie. Only four more days until school starts, yeah!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Long and busy week!

Well, this week has been very busy. It was "Band Week" and Katie had to be at band practice from 8am to Noon and then 6-9pm, Monday thru Wednesday then on Thursday they had to be in regular time in the am but back at 4pm! Thursday night was family night. Big BBQ picnic for the band members and their families and the kids performed their half time routine. I went at 4 to help with the set up. There was a HUGE turnout. There are about 110 kids in the band and their must have been easily 100++ family members.

Here is a very small section of the huge line for food!

The kids performed the three songs from the Blues Brothers movie that make up their half time show for the football games. It is amazing how good they are already. Katie is doing great with her tenor sax. She is right out front for one of the songs. I have a video of it and if I figure out how to post it I will. I also have lots of pictures too.

Yesterday was the band picnic trip to Killins Pond state park but Katie decided not to go. She was exhausted from a hard week and actually slept until 2:30 in the afternoon. I took advantage of my day off and got myself a pedicure in the morning and than ran a lot errands that I would normally have to do on Saturday. A very productive day.

So after I get done updating here I just have to clean the bathroom and vacuum and I am free the rest of the day to do what I want. Hopefully that includes scrapbooking!! Speaking of scrapbooking, I got myself in a little trouble with Creative Memories. I sell some of my unused scrapbook stuff on ebay (mostly non CM stuff) but I did throw a few CM things that I just don't use on ebay and I don't know how they do it but they caught me. I got a phone call and an email telling me that I am breaking the CM rules and I had to take down all of my auctions and sign a letter telling them I won't break their rules again. And I was suspended from CM for 10 days, although they must have gotten the letter I faxed and checked ebay to see that I took down my auctions because I got an email telling me that I would be reinstated today. So my plan is to place another CM order and get what a few customers need and some stuff for croptoberfest and then I am getting out of the CM business. Too restrictive. I can't buy or sell ANY scrapbooking stuff on ebay. NOTHING. I made almost $200 in one week selling stuff on ebay. I don't think I have made $200 in the few months I have been selling CM!!!

I said I would post some pictures so here they are:

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Monday

Here is a really cute picture of my kitties. What a life!

Well, the weekend flew by as usual. And as usual I got hardly anything done that I wanted to get done. Saturday was filled with errands and cleaning. Then yesterday I was hoping to get some scrapbooking done but ended up going to the movies with Katie and her girlfriends. I normally just drop them off and then go back and pick them up when the movie is over but one girl wasn't allowed to go unless I stayed with them. So I had to stay. The girls are all 13 but for some reason this girl was allowed to see a rated R movie but couldn't stay without a parent. Anyway, we saw Step Brothers. What a waste of time!! OMG it was awful. Definitely made with the mentality of a goofy teenager in mind!

I did get one thing done that I have been meaning to. I took about 8,000 pictures off of my computer and put them on discs. Hopefully it will help my geriatric computer run a little better. I also download new pictures from my camera and the parade on Thursday.

Here are a few:

Katie getting ready to step off. She is never looking at the camera when I want her to!

Stepping off on the boards!
There they go!

Crazy seagulls! Someone left food on their beach towel and they went nuts!

Katie and her friend Cait on the beach and playing in the surf after the parade.

This morning started Band Week. Kate has practice from 8AM until Noon and then back again at 6PM until 9PM. They do that today through Thursday and then Friday they go to Killin's Pond State Park in Delaware for a big picnic and day of fun! I am helping every night this week so I will be busy busy busy, work all day, run home get her to band, run home feed hubby, and back to the school to help out in any way I can. I am happy to do it. Last year I missed out on all of that because I broke my ankle a few days for before band week started, ouch!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ocean City

We travelled to Ocean City yesterday. Katie marched with the band in the 99th annual Ocean City, New Jersey Baby Parade. The kids did a great job. It is always fun since it is the first parade of the season. Lots of newbies in the band this year but they all sounded great. This is the 14th or 15th time the Interboro H.S. marching band has lead the parade.

After the parade we spent some time on the beach. It was HOT HOT HOT. No sea breeze at all. I had an umbrella but still the sun was too much. We left to come home around 2:00. We had been there since about 8:15 am!!

I took lots of pictures but didn't get a chance to get them off my camera yet. So maybe tonight or tomorrow I will post some pictures from the parade.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, I am finally going to take a little time to update this blog! I am just a tad behind, LOL

Okay in a short synopsis here is what has happened in the past 8 months!!

In the last post I mentioned Karen and I were going to the Cozy Crop House in Lancaster. We went, it snowed, we had an great time, got lots done!! Christmas came and went. Very nice this year, Lots of nice gifts given and received. And no one was sick like last year. Katie woke up with a stomach bug last Christmas, it was horrible!!

Katie turned THIRTEEN in January. Still can't believe I am the mother of a teenager!!!
January also brought the 4th anniversary of my Dad's death. Still miss him terribly and not a day doesn't go by that I don't wish he was here to be enjoying life with his family. Miss you and love you Dad!

February we traveled with the Interboro High School Marching band to Florida. We spent a day in Atlanta GA. Beautiful city, wish I could have spent more time there. Then onto Florida where we spent 1/2 a day at Silver Springs and then onto Disney World!! Sunday February 17 our band was the featured band in the Magic Kingdom's Spectra Magic Parade. It was an incredible experience. We then spent the next two days enjoying Disney World. I loved Epcot!!

I got sick on the bus back from Florida. Did I mention we travelled to and from Florida via motor coach?? Not as bad an experience as I was thinking it was going to be. I got the flu the last day in Florida and after a 20 hour ride home on a bus I arrived in Pennsylvania with a 104 fever. I also had on a t shirt, capris and crocs it was gorgeous when I left FL -- it was snowing and freezing in PA!! I was literally sick for a month, ended up with tonsillitis and after three rounds of antibiotics and the strong possibility that I would have to have my tonsils removed I finally got better around mid-March!!

Not much happened in April and May. Other than I decided to become a Creative Memories consultant. Mostly to have products available for the ladies at my monthly scrapbook group.

June came and school let out. We went on vacation to Chincoteague. Our usual spot. Loved it as always. The weather was spectacular. Only issue was that Katie lost her cell phone or so we thought. Went crazy looking for it and it ended up being in her sneaker!! The last week of June we got a second kitten. After seeing all of the kittens that run around Chincoteague we felt the need for more kittens! So we went to the SPCA and picked out the most adorable little orange tabby kitten. His name is Sonny and he is the most affectionate little guy!

At first Kit Kat was totally pissed off at Sonny and us for bringing this little kitten into the house. After about 5 days we could let them be together supervised, and now they are the best of friends. They sleep all curled up together it is so cute.

July was a little crazy. We had some major issues with some of Katie's so called friends. Turned out that they were every bit of the bad influences that I suspected they were. We had a major intervention and got her away from one girl (and her crazy mother) and one boy that were nothing but trouble. The girl was easier to get rid of the boy was another story. After finding out that he was much older and going to be a dad (yes he was 16 and had a girl pregnant) and was trying to seduce my daughter. I had enough and went after him full force. I called the police and told them what was going on (it helps that my nephew and my brother are both local police, brother is chief). And word filtered to this "boy" that I meant business and was calling the police and he was gone in no time. Katie was pretty upset with us for most of July for "ruining her life". But luckily things are getting back to normal, finally.

August has arrived and so has marching band !!! Yeah!!! Practice started last Monday. Katie fell that same afternoon onto glass at her friend's house. Long story short it was pretty bad, I was at work, no one told me how bad, I came home from work to find out it was bad enough that friend's grandmother was going to call an ambulance. She cut her hand pretty bad, lots of blood! Lost feeling in her ring finger and pinky. So Dr visit Monday night, back to the ER Tuesday night and to the hand surgeon on Thursday. Luckily all has worked out fine and she will make a full recovery. But all of that made her miss the first two band practices! So band is tonight and tomorrow night and she is recovered enough to go and then Thursday we will be doing the first parade of the season in Ocean City NJ leading the 100th Annual Baby Parade on the boardwalk!!!

This weekend was nice but we had terrible storms all day yesterday. Downpours, lightening, thunder, hail and even tornado warnings! At the end of it we were treated to the most beautiful rainbow!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wow 8 Months!

I can't believe it has been 8 months since I posted something on here! Things have just been crazy I guess. I have so much to update. Unfortunately I am at work right now and can't do it. But I am going to make time over the weekend to get things update here!!