Sunday, April 22, 2007

What's Happening Today....

Well today is Sunday already. The weekends go entirely too fast. Last night we went to Joseph's 13th Birthday party. Mike and JoAnn had a BBQ for him and it was great. The weather couldn't have been better. Matt was there and shared war stories with us. Not so much about fighting but other funny stories. He told us about the camel spiders (yuck!! ) that liked to hide out in the latrines and how they would battle scorpions as entertainment. He also jokingly told us stuff that was meant to be funny but made me sad to hear. Like when they got back to Germany after 14 months in Iraq, the guys were cleaning their weapons getting ready for a big Welcome Home ceremony and someone test fired a cannon and the noise sent Matt and his platoon scrambling, thinking that they were getting mortared. Then Matt and Mike when somewhere and Mike hit a huge pothole that really rocked the car and Matt momentarily thought they got hit by an IED. He is having a hard time adjusting to civilian life and keeps talking about re-enlisting. Yesterday he went to some pre-class stuff for the police academy. He didn't sound like he was too thrilled about it. The instructor was trying to impress the "kids" with the info that they will have to point their guns at bad guys and other things that Matt has lived 10x worse for the last 14 months. While he seems to be the same happy kid (not so much a kid anymore) you can hear it in the way he talks that the war did change him.

Well lets see... What are my plans for today. I am almost done the laundry and I still have to go to the Acme to get some stuff for the week. After all of that is done, I am free for the rest of the day to scrapbook!! Yeah. I want to work on the Scrap This Challenge for mlpa. I will bring it with me when I go up there on Friday night.

I better get my butt in gear and get my "chores" done so I can do some scrapbooking!

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