On Thursday, June 11 Katy "graduated" from
Norwood Middle School. I guess that officially makes me the mother of a high school student!!! She looked beautiful in her dress and I was very proud of her. She won the
Interboro Music Boosters
Excellence in Instrumental Music award!! This week she also went to her first dance. It was the 8
th grade dance held at the school. It's theme was New York New York and she had a great time. She had a date too!! Andrew who has been going to school with her forever is her new boyfriend. He seems like a nice young man, as far as I can tell,
LOL. He doesn't say much. Here are some pictures from the dance and graduation.

Making her walk down the "gold" carpet. Doesn't she look so grown up and beautiful?!?!?

Receiving her Music Award.

Receiving her "graduation certificate"

Katy Jamie and Jeannie after the graduation.

Rachel Jeannie Katy Andrew and Jamie before the dance. (Rachel is only in 7
th grade so she didn't go to the dance).

Katy and Andrew. He bought her flowers!!

Katy and Jamie before the dance.

Katy looking very pretty in her dress but very uncomfortable with all of the attention.
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