Memorial Day is the official end of Marching Band. They do all three local parades and let me tell you it is a LONG day. The kids have to be at the high school at 7:15 AM and they march in the Norwood/Prospect Park parade, then the Tinicum Parade and then finally the Glenolden Parade. Not only do they march in the parades they have to play the National Anthem at the memorial services at each town, which means they have to stand for however long the speeches are. We had one kid get sick before the last parade and one girl pass near the end of the last parade. Not too bad for as hot as it was and how long of a day they had. Friday night was the band banquet. Nothing fancy just some food at the high school cafeteria, awards ceremony, photo montage DVD and then some dancing (or messing around) to a DJ. It was a fun night. Sad to see another year coming to an end. The Seniors get special recognition at the banquet and it was nice to see them all and touching at how emotional some of them got at saying good bye to their high school years. Just four short years and that will be Katy (yikes!).

Katy and my mother after all of the parades were done.

Katy with her tenor sax and too short pants. She must have grown a lot since August when they were fitted for her, LOL! This is at the Norwood parade.
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