I have been neglectful of my blog again =-( Anyway at my last crop I decided to work on cards instead of photo layouts and here is what I came up with. I was happy with the cards I created!! Here are three of my favorites:

On to another topic - my bunnies and birdies.... My baby bunny is growing up really fast, I see him all over my yard and my neighbors yards with his parents pretty soon he will be as big as his mom and dad and I won't be able to tell them apart. Sadly, my Robin's nest seems to have been abandoned. It has been a month and the eggs are not hatched. Evidently something happened to the momma Robin causing her to leave her eggs. I am going to remove the eggs and may another bird will use the nest once it is empty.
And last but not least Katy has found the first of two dresses we need for her 8
th grade dance and graduation. Yes that is right, not one but TWO dresses for my skater girl -
emo - punk chick - who lives in black sweat pants and
cami tops and hates being
labeled. My creature of darkness with her black eyeliner and black nails and
multiple piercings (ears only 'cause that is all I will allow!) This is my tomboy who hasn't worn a dress in no less than 6 years! But after a very frustrating evening at the mall we managed to find one that is just perfect. It is a really pretty teal green and looks incredible with her red hair. We will be venturing out again this weekend to find a dress for graduation. Wish me luck that we manage to find something without killing each other in the process!
Front of Dress
Back of Dress