Ok I have been getting myself all in a huff over how much Christmas stuff is out, one of my neighbor's has their Christmas lights put up and lit, the mall is fully decorated and Santa is there, and radio stations are already playing Christmas music!! It isn't even Thanksgiving yet people!! It seems we now skip immediately from Halloween to Christmas. Now I woke up this morning to what I thought was going to be some flurries. We have been having them daily for the past few days. Early for us, even here is SE Pennsylvania. Well within minutes of leaving for work at 8:00 it turned into a full blown snow storm!! My usually 30 minute commute to work took 90 this morning. Evidently from winter to winter people forget how to drive in snow, and to tell you the truth it was only a few inches, not bad at all. I work at a retirement community and our residents love the snow because they don't have to go out into it, LOL. The picture was taken by one of my residents, he took it from his balcony this morning looking into our courtyard.