Well, school started this morning. I tried to get Katie in bed at a reasonable time last night. I can get her in her room but I can't make her sleep! Maybe now that school has started and she has to get up early and will be busy all day she will get tired earlier than 2 AM! She did get up very easily for me this morning, hopefully that will continue but I am not too optimistic. I had her get all of her stuff ready last night so that was easy too. She got picked up by her friend, Jamie's grandmother and she dropped off both girls and Jamie's little brother David at school.
It is hard to believe that my baby is starting her last year in middle school! She is in the 8
th grade now. So this year they are the big shots at the school, which goes from 1st -8
th grade. So not only that this year will bring, testing for honors classes, high school orientation, and trips to the high school to pick their classes for next year, graduation, 8
th grade dance and dinner. So it will be a busy and memorable year.
I snapped a few pictures of her this morning. Every year I have taken a picture of her standing on the front porch on the first day of school. Last year she refused to even let me get a halfway decent picture of her inside the house, this year she at least let me do that.
I am anxious to hear from her when she gets home around 3:00 to hear how the day went. At least there is no marching band tonight. She had band last night and has it again tomorrow night. Then Friday night is the first football game of the season for the band. Can't wait. I am signed up to be a
chaperone, hopefully I can get there in time to go on the school bus, I don't want to have to drive my car to the game because it is an away game.
Once I download my pictures I will post some of the here.