I have finally downloaded my Halloween pictures onto my computer. So here they are. Katy was a Panda Bear. I made her costume and I thought I did a pretty good job. She really liked it too. Although some people thought she was a skunk, a kitten, a puppy and a koala bear!!!
Hmmmm.... some people really don't know their animals. Also posted are some pictures of my kitties and my pumpkin.

Katy, Matt, Tyler and Rachael

My Haunted House carved pumpkin.

My little Sonny trying to eat the pumpkin, notice Kit Kat watching him. I am sure she is thinking evil thoughts about her little brother, who at times is cute as heck but not real bright!

Katy checking out her candy haul. Not so good this year, she usually has 3-4
x's that amount of candy. Don't know if it was because it was a Friday night and there were football games, or the
Phillies World Series parade or what. Just not as many people were giving candy this year. Notice Sonny checking out the stash.

He made his move
on the candy and snagged himself a
dum dum. Very appropriate!

Kit Kat checked out the Milk Duds but this Diva doesn't do candy!

This splat of fake blood on my patio, left by Tyler after he covered his face with it, proved to be an endless source of
fascination, fear, and gross out to every little kid that came to my door for candy the rest of the evening!! If I was an evil person I could have had a lot of fun explaining the blood.
"Yes that is real blood, it from the last little kid that came here and didn't like the fact that I was giving out fun size candy instead of full size, Mwaaaa Haaaaa!"