Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Crop House Weekend

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Christmas Card

MRI Results
Although I am really pissed at Dr. Gordon and my ankle is not better yet because of his total disregard for my injury I really have no legal recourse. My injuries are not serious enough to warrant a malpractice suit. So I am settling on a letter writing campaign to get this guy at least reprimand in some way.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Sad and Fun end to the football season
So football season has come to an end. I must say I had an incredible time. Katie absolutely loved it too. Not one complaint about giving up every Friday night for the last 2 1/2 months and all of the hours practicing. The heat, the rain and now the cold. None of that dampened the Buc Pride that resides in the band. Some say that they are "band geeks" but those of us that hang with the band know that they are really the heart of the school. They are the true definiton BUC PRIDE and BUC SPIRIT!
Next on the band's agenda is the Media Veteran's Day parade. They are marching on Monday 11/12. Katie is happy that she is being pulled form school at 9 am and they won't be back before school is done for the day. Then onto to Atlanta and Disney World in February!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Bad news for my ankle
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Feels like winter is arriving...
I went to what is probably going to be the last football game of the season on Friday night. Had a great time with the other "Band Parents" in the stands. The kids as usually did a great job with their music. We played Chichester and they brought their band. If you can call it a band, 17 members and one color guard. If the away team brings a band typically they do a pregame show. But since Friday night was Senior Recognition night (the band has 26 seniors) that took up the pregame time. So we graciously allowed Chichester's band to have 6 minutes of the halftime show. Well they totally took up the entire halftime leaving us just THREE minutes to do our halftime performance. The kids barely got on the field played just about two minutes of their song and literally had to run off of the field as the football players were coming onto it! Out team gets a penalty if we are still on the field when halftime is over. I was very disappointed since like I said this is probably the last game of the season. After halftime the kids kind of let loose and have lots of fun in the stands. They have a few songs that they sing and dance to and interact with the cheerleaders. It just amazes me when I see Katie up there singing and dancing in the stands. She is growing up so fast I just can't comprehend it sometimes! Plus Friday night was so darn cold sitting in the stands! It still was so much fun! It is still up in the air whether or not we will be having a Thanksgiving Day game against Ridley. We are both in the playoffs and it depends on how they go.
Monday the Band will be marching in Media's Veteran's Day Parade. Katie is thrilled because she gets out of school for the day. I couldn't get off , but Frank and his mother plan on attending the parade.
We also got final word that the Interboro High School Buccaneer Marching Band was honored to be selected once again out of 1,000 of applicants to march in Disney's Main Street Parade. It will be at 7:00 pm Sunday February 17,m 2008! This is the fourth time our band has been selected to march in this parade. They just did it this past February and I saw the video and it is incredible. The crowds, the lights and marching right past Cinderella's castle will just be incredible. I don't know who is more excited me or Katie. This will be the first time to Disney World for both of us. Frank is going, he is staying home to take care of the zoo. We are leaving 2/14/08 and driving through the night to Atlanta. We will be spending the day in Atlanta visiting the Martin Luther King Memorial, CNN, Coca Cola and hopefully the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. We will then drive onto the Georgia/Florida border and spend the night and then Saturday will we finish our ride to Orlando! We will be spending three nights at Disney and will have a hopper pass that will allow us into all of the Disney attractions. Number one on my list is Animal Kingdom. I hear it is incredible. I also really want to do Epcot. I will have to get another memory card or two for my camera. I am sure to 100's and 100's of pictures!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday Evening
This week is going to be so busy. Therapy and a football game tomorrow, Halloween and therapy on Wednesday, Kate has an orthodontist appointment and the kitten has a vet appointment on Thursday, then Friday is therapy yet again and another football game, at least this one is at home! So once again I will plan to make some time for just me next weekend! Maybe I will have better luck with some "ME TIME" next weekend.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday Road Trip
I plan on taking a road trip today to memory lane pa. My not so local scrapbooking store. It is in Quakertown. About 50 minutes, 40 or so miles and a total of $1.50 in turnpike tolls (one way) and I am in scrapbook heaven!! Frank doesn't want me to go, he says that it is a waste of gas!! Some men just don't understand this scrapbook addiction!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Night Lights
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Another thing that happened.....
These first three photos were taken the day we got Gerry 9/23/07

This one was take about a week ago. She is like a little baby when she is sleeping. When she is awake she is a little devil!!
This was take today. She is posing for this photo like a pro!
Where have the past few months gone?
Even with all of this craziness with my ankle I still managed to go to Virginia Beach with the marching band where they marched in the big parade at the Neptune Festival. I have been enjoying going to the Friday night football games too! Tomorrow night is homecoming so that should be fun. It is amazing how much fun Katie is having. At first she was a little overwhelmed with the band but she has come to love it. There are 115 kids in the band and she is one of four 7th graders. Most of the kids are high school kids.
Neptune Festival Virginia Beach Va

Interboro High School Buccaneer Marching Band

Some of band members performing a scene while the band plays the theme from
Disney's Pirates of the Carribbean.
Katie is the third one in on from the left. She plays the alto sax.
Monday, July 30, 2007
CKC Valley Forge
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Saturday Again!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Yeahhhh Its Saturday!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to spend my quiet morning cleaning the house. I live such an exciting life sometimes I just can't stand it! But its therapeutic for me. I like the mindless business of it. Plus I love when I am done and my house is nice and clean. I know I know it probably makes me a really weird but what can I say!
I also hope to get to my scraproom and get some stuff done today too. I have been feeling really challenged in creativity department lately. I just have no motivation to scrap. It must be the heat. Next weekend I will get a lot done, since Karen and I are going to trek up to Judy's for her Farewell Crop next Saturday. Nothing like 8 or 10 hours of scrapbooking and lots and lots of fun with the ladies! I can't believe Judy is moving to Georgia, it is a wonderful opportunity for her family but we are really going to miss her at our monthly crops! In February I will be making an overnight stop in Atlanta on the way to Seaworld on the big band trip. I hope I get a few free hours that maybe I can catch up with Judy.
Time to stop typing and get cleaning!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!
Here are some great pictures that I took using my new camera.
Katie's look of pure joy when she spots Matt's float.
Matt and my Mother
Matt with his mother, JoAnn and my brother Mike
(also in the parade since he is Glenolden's Chief of Police)
Matt with Katie and her friend Jamie just one of many of Katie's little girlfriends who have a crush on Matt. I must say I can't blame them he is a real sweetheart!
And last by not least the Avalon String Band. It is not a parade in the Philly area without at least one Mummer's String Band!!! They didn't have their full costumes on. It wasn't all that how this year, I guess they didn't want to chance messing the feathers up with the little bit of rain we got this morning.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Kristina Contes
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day
When they get back Kate and I are going to go pick up my mother and aunt and go out to the Chadds Ford Winery Festival. There is bands and good food and tours of the winery. And for those of us above 21 you can enjoy wine tasting. Never been there before, mom has and really enjoyed it. Too bad it is so stinkin' hot, I am also hoping that we won't get rained out. Frank is going to stay home an relax! Lucky him. I love those days when you have the house to yourself.
It is going to be a busy week even though I am only working two days this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday Katie is going to Six Flags Great Adventure with the middle school chorus. I HATE HATE HATE amusement parks but she really wants to go. It just sucks that I can't go. Then on Thursday I am going with her to Hershey Park where her middle school band will be performing for the third year. It is a fun day, when the kids are done their performance they get to hang out in the park the rest of the day. Then on Friday is the school's field day! AND last but not least Saturday is our All Day Crop that I host.
Well, I better get moving. I have to pick up my mother at 11:30 and I haven't even gotten out of my pj's yet!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Back to Work
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day 2007
Here is my "baby" Kate with my great-nephew Osiris. My baby is growing up on me!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Another Great Crop
Speaking of Katie, I am waiting for her to come home from the first leg of her camping marathon. She should be home any minute. Then the race to get everything ready for tomorrow begins! Hopefully she had a good time. The weather was kind of crappy this weekend, at least Friday night and Saturday night were, today is pretty darn nice. I am hoping that they have nice weather for school camp, because the cabins only have screens and are not heated, nor do they have water or electricity in them, YIKES!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I made my own Spinny Thing!
It's Saturday... Wooo Hooo!!!
I am missing Katie already. I dropped her off at church last night. It was the meeting place for the camping trip. They weren't supposed to bring their cell phones so I haven't heard from her. She will be home tomorrow afternoon around 3:00. Then we start the mad dash to get everything washed and repacked for the 6th grade camping trip which she leaves for on Monday morning. Now that one is going to be a tough one for me. She will gone for an entire week with no contact! Ugghhh ... she has never been gone that long and has NEVER been gone where I can't speak to her every day! It is going to be hard. On the other hand since I won't have any homework to help with, or places to run her to every day that should leave me with more scrapbooking time!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Ho Hum Wednesday
I plan on registering for the CK convention today at 1:00. I am still trying to narrow down exactly what classes I will be taking. I am pretty sure what I want but I change my mind every time I look at the list.
I also want to make a trip up to mlpa today. I was planning on going up Friday night after I drop Katie off at church. She is leaving for a weekend camping trip with the Pioneer Club and everyone is meeting at the church at 5:30. But since I am home from work today, I want to make the trip this afternoon instead. Hopefully Frank will get home from work at a good time. I never can remember what are his earliest days. I am hoping he will be home by 1:30 or 2 at the latest. That way I can run up to the store do my shopping and get back in time to make dinner. Katie has her regular Pioneer Club meeting tonight. Normally since she is missing school, I would not allow her to do anything. But since this is the last meeting before camp, I think she needs to go. Also tonight they are doing their bible verses. She has been studying so hard I would hate for her to miss it.
I think I will work on my scraps organization today. I have been trying to get my scraps organized so that I will actually use them. I saw a post on a sbing board that showed a great way to organize them and I that is what I have been doing. I am about 1/2 way done.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday... Again
It looks like it will be another beautiful day. Too bad I am stuck inside all day. I have several things that NEED to get done today, other than that I will fill my day with stupid busy work that I save when nothing else in going on.
I got my mlpa Scrap This Challenge done yesterday. I a pretty happy with the way it turned out. The bottle cap had me stumped for a while but I figured out a way to use it.
I am sure this week will go fast. Katie leaves for Pioneer Club Camp Friday afternoon and she won't be back until Sunday afternoon. We have to clean everything and get repacked. She leave Monday morning for the Sixth Grade Camping trip. This time she will gone the entire week! She has never been away for that long before. They are not allowed to bring cell phones and there is no pay phone at the camp. The teacher said that phone calls home cause home sickness and that makes for a miserable camp experience. I know she will be fine, I am a little worried about me!
I am really looking forward to our All Day Crop this Saturday! I want to get my mom's Arizona album done. Well, I better get back and try to do some work today!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What's Happening Today....
Well lets see... What are my plans for today. I am almost done the laundry and I still have to go to the Acme to get some stuff for the week. After all of that is done, I am free for the rest of the day to scrapbook!! Yeah. I want to work on the Scrap This Challenge for mlpa. I will bring it with me when I go up there on Friday night.
I better get my butt in gear and get my "chores" done so I can do some scrapbooking!